Company profile
The Russian Federation is the founder and sole shareholder of Russian Railways. The Long-Term Development Programme of Russian Railways until 2025 aims to meet the strategic national goals by expanding the transport infrastructure and enhancing economic links among Russian regions.
In 2020, Russian Railways ranked fourth in the annual ESG ranking compiled by the RAEX-Europe rating agency. The Company earned high scores in the Environmental Responsibility and Social Responsibility categories.
Russian Railways today:
No. 1 in the world
by freight and passenger transportation density per km of main line network No. 2 in the world
by freight turnover No. 3 in the world
by operational length of railway lines No. 4 in the world
by passenger turnover Russian Railways’ infrastructure accounts for:
of total freight turnover 25%
of total passenger turnover Russian Railways provides a full range of services, including:
- freight transportation, locomotive traction and infrastructure;
- long-haul and suburban passenger transportation;
- rolling stock repairs;
- logistics;
- engineering;
- railway R&D.