In March 2020, Russian Railways established a dedicated task center to prevent the bringing-in and spread of the novel coronavirus infection and maintain stable operation of the railway transport in response to the general epidemiological situation and escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its prompt actions, including epidemiological, organisational, medical, HR, technological and information response, helped to prevent an explosive spread of the infection, protect our employees and customers, and ensure uninterrupted transport operation.
The pandemic was a severe and objective test of our management system. All our staff, from rank and file workers to heads of regional railways, took the lead in uncertain situations, supported each other, and demonstrated their best professional and human qualities during the pandemic.
Oleg Belozerov,CEO and Chairman of the Management Board
During the pandemic, Russian Railways saw its priority tasks in protecting the health of its employees and customers, facilitating the treatment of infected patients, enhancing communication with customers, introducing new customer-friendly services, and further improving service standards. The Company successfully addressed all of the year’s challenges.
2020 results:
In the context of growing negative macroeconomic changes, the aggravation of the epidemiological situation, and the resulting risk of a decrease in traffic volumes and earnings, at the end of Q1 2020, the Management Board members and the heads of departments, business units and branches of Russian Railways resolved to waive their quarterly bonuses for Q1 2020 and donate the total amount thereof to the All-Russian Public Movement of Medical Volunteers.
In the context of growing negative macroeconomic changes, the aggravation of the epidemiological situation, and the resulting risk of a decrease in traffic volumes and earnings, at the end of Q1 2020, the Management Board members and the heads of departments, business units and branches of Russian Railways resolved to waive their quarterly bonuses for Q1 2020 and donate the total amount thereof to the All-Russian Public Movement of Medical Volunteers.
With the outbreak of the pandemic, several of the Company’s healthcare facilities were converted for treatment of COVID-19 patients. In accordance with Order No. 844-r of the Russian Government dated 2 April 2020. We also seconded medical professionals from Russian Railways’ network of regional clinics to staff those hospitals.
One of the key challenges faced by Russian Railways with the onset of the pandemic was to ensure the safety of long-haul and suburban train passengers.
Russian Railways has been providing maximum support to carriers from the very onset of the pandemic. The Company offered a broad range of preferences and discounts to shippers.